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Personal Training with Mr. Universe

According to psychology research, almost half of our daily actions are based on habit – about 40 percent, to be more precise.

This would suggest that nearly half of our daily actions happen more or less automatically.

Today, we’ll go over the critical importance of our eating habits and how to go about sustainably improving them.

The Impact of Our Eating Habits

You’ve probably come across the term ‘mindless eating.’ It refers to our tendency to overeat without thinking about it or paying attention to our hunger levels.

Prevailing wisdom suggests that mindless eating is, well, mindless. But, the truth is, it probably stems from our habits.

For example, mindless eating is characterized by behaviors such as:

•    Eating while watching TV or working
•    Picking the largest package size possible
•    Filling large plates and bowls up
•    Eating a wide variety of (often processed) foods
•    Eating fast

While it may seem ‘mindless,’ we could argue that each of these is an eating habit. For example, picking the largest package size of various snacks is a habit. Eating fast is also a habit. Having your meals in front of Netflix also happens because you’ve created a pattern of it.

The truth is, our eating habits go far beyond mindless eating. As you repeat a behavior enough times, it eventually becomes automatic. So, it’s in our best interest to repeat better actions and adopt them as habits.

Improve Your Kitchen Behaviors for Optimal Fitness and Health

If you aspire to be fitter, healthier, happier, and more energetic, the first thing you need to do is start taking better care of your nutrition – this is going to have the greatest effect on your body.

But, for you to establish better habits, you need to start small:

•    Don’t change your nutrition entirely from day one; start with just one healthy meal every day.
•    Don’t cut out all of your favorite foods; start by reducing their quantities.
•    Don’t cut out alcohol and soda immediately; start by slowly reducing your intakes and instead replace that with water, tea, and coffee.

Then, as you gain some momentum, scale these habits further:

•    Eat two healthy meals instead of one.
•    Reduce your intake of processed foods even further and replace them with fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and such.
•    Reduce your soda and alcohol intake even further.

Sure, your initial progress won’t be as quick, but you’ll build better habits that will have a much more significant impact in the long run.

Personal Training with Mr. Universe

When most people get started with fitness, they place all of their attention on the obvious things – training, nutrition, and recovery.

Granted, each of these is vital. But, there are two other aspects of fitness that also play a huge role:

Accountability and progress tracking. Today, we’ll go over why both of them are vital.

The Power of Accountability

No matter what your fitness and life goals are, you need to take action. The problem is, taking action is easier said than done in most cases. Even if you can get started, it seems that staying consistent is also a massive roadblock for many.The good news is, accountability is a powerful tool we can use to adhere to our fitness program and achieve great results.

Being accountable allows you to make use of social expectations, which is a powerful motivator. Knowing that someone is expecting you to do something makes you much more likely to follow through.

So, it’s essential to put yourself in a position where you’re accountable to someone. An excellent place to start is to write a diary from day one and share your progress with the personal trainer that you hire.

Why Tracking Your Progress Matters So Much

Yes, tracking your progress can be tedious at times, and you might wonder, “Why even bother with that?”

At first glance, it seems like nothing more than busywork. But, the truth is, tracking your progress provides you with actionable data. And based upon that data, you (and your trainer) can make decisions:

•    Should we keep the training as-is for now?
•    Should we tweak some of the variables (intensity, frequency, or overall volume) to see if that helps kickstart progression again?

For example, if you start writing down your workouts today and take a look at your training log in three months, you’ll have a clear picture of how things are going. You may find that you’re progressing well, but one exercise seems to be lagging. In that case, you can have your trainer see how you’re doing that exercise and perhaps help you make some tweaks to see if that works.

But, if you don’t track your progress, you won’t have that insight.

When you look at your data from the previous weeks and months, you can see what the general trajectory is. In other words, tracking your progress is not about your trainer; it’s about yourself and your success.

What to do Next

If you’re looking for a good Personal Trainer in Dallas - one that will help you with accountability and progress tracking - don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Personal Training with Mr. Universe

When most people decide to get into fitness and sports, they immediately put all of their eggs in the basket that is training.

But, the truth is, nutrition is even more critical and without paying careful attention to it, all of our gym efforts would go to waste.

Today, we’ll go over precisely why that is.

The Importance of Healthy Nutrition

Training provides the body with the stimulus it needs to drive positive adaptations - muscle growth, strength gain, and similar.

But, it is precisely your nutrition – the fuel you provide your body with – the factor that makes these adaptations possible.

For example, you can train diligently, but unless you also eat enough and get plenty of protein, your body won’t have the building blocks it needs to build new muscle.

The Mirage of Having Abs

You’ve probably come across the saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen.”

For the most part, it’s true. No matter who you are and what your fitness level is, you’ve wanted to attain a visible six pack at some point.

Many people associated visible abs with good health, but that is not always the case. The truth is, pursuing abs can turn into a downward spiral for some people who tend to fall in a perpetual cycle of dieting and binge eating.

This is because most people don’t realize just how much effort it takes to attain abs and how incredibly frustrating it is to maintain that level of leanness afterward.

What Is A Better Way to go About Your Fitness

Instead of focusing on metrics that won’t bring you happiness or fulfillment (or worse - may even lead to adverse health effects), go about it productively:

1. Focus on being functional

If you focus on your performance, you will find yourself much more fulfilled with the entire process. Plus, the more athletic you become, the more your visual appearance will improve.

2. Remain at a healthy body fat level you can sustain

Some people can easily maintain a six pack year-round; others can’t. If you’re in the second camp, don’t force yourself to keep an arbitrary level of leanness because it won’t fulfill you.

Instead, get to a healthy body fat you can sustain and focus on improving your gym performance together with your selected best Personal Fitness Trainer near you.

Personal Training with Mr. Universe

Must-Have Fitness Equipment For Fun Outdoor Training

Are you interested in having some fun and refreshing outdoor workouts? But you’re unsure what exercises to perform or what equipment to buy? If so, don’t worry because we’ve put together a list of four items you should get for effective outdoor sessions.

1. Resistance Bands

Resistance bands should be your first option if you’re looking to buy sports supplies online. They are affordable, incredibly versatile, and portable. You can use bands to perform various gym exercises, stretch your muscles, and warm up.

Here are a few great movements you can do with bands:

  • Bicep curls
  • Tricep extensions
  • Front squats
  • Overhead press
  • Lateral raises
  • Deadlifts

2. Ankle & Wrist Weights

Ankle and wrist weights are a fantastic addition to any outdoor session because they make a range of activities more challenging. For example, attach the weights to your ankles and perform mountain climbers. Alternatively, place a pair of weights on your wrists and do jumping jacks. The extra resistance will make for a great chest, shoulder, and upper back workout.

You can use ankle and wrist weights for numerous other activities, making each more challenging and incredibly effective.

3. Cable Jump Rope

Let’s face it:

Jumping rope is cool. Sure, it might not seem that beneficial, but the simple act of hopping over a rope:

  • Burns tons of calories
  • Makes you more athletic
  • Strengthens your upper and lower body
  • Improves muscular coordination

The best part is that jumping rope makes for a fantastic outdoor activity because all you need is some free space.

4. Boxing Training Fight Ball

There is something incredibly satisfying in boxing. You can get fit through a range of activities, but throwing punches is something special that connects with something primitive inside us. This is one reason why workouts that involve striking and self-defense are so satisfying and motivating.

One fantastic way to practice punching and improve your reflexes is to use a boxing training fight ball.

Plus, you can use that as part of your outdoor training to switch things up and burn extra calories.


As you can see, you don’t need much equipment to have great workouts, even if you’re outside. A handful of items can expand your exercise selection pool and help you put together effective and challenging full-body workouts.

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Consult with your doctor if you start taking supplements or before beginning any diet or exercise program